Tuesday, September 22, 2009

韓国旅行 Korean trip

韓国に3日間行ってきました。 空港に着いたとたん、沢山の報道陣が出口にいました! 周りの人に聞いてみると、石川遼君が来るとのこと。 すごくすごく見たかったのですが、韓国のガイドさんがお迎えに来てくれていたので断念・・。 でも、その後明洞では韓流スターのイ・ジュンギに遭遇! 次の日にはイ・ミョンバク大統領を南大門で目撃しました! ミーハーの私としては、嬉しい旅になりました。

I took a vacation to korea for 3 days. When we arrived, a horde of people were waiting with cameras just past the security exit. I asked someone who they were waiting for and apparently professional golf star Ryo Ishikawa was either on our flight or en route!
I really wanted to see Ryo but our Korean tour guide came to pick us up, so we had to leave.
However, we did see Lee JunkiLee, a young Korean TV star in Myeongdong, and president Lee Myung-bak in Namdaemun-sijang!! It turned into a really fun trip!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

パフェ "parfait"

Big Boyでパフェを食べました。 可愛くて美味しかったです☆

I had ice cream parfait at Big Boy with some friends. Really pretty and tastes good too!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

中村軒 'Nakamuraken'

京都で有名なお茶屋さん「中村軒」に数日前に行ってきました。京都の昔の家が使われており、すごく風情があり、部屋の中の雰囲気 がとても素敵で、静かでゆったりとした時間が過ごせます。お友達と話ながらかき氷を食べるには、最高の場所ですよ。

I went to a famous Kyoto sweets and tea restaurant called "nakamuraken" a few days ago. Converted from an old Japanese house, the restaurant offers a classic, unique flair in the traditional Japanese style. I love relaxing in this quiet, charming place, eating crushed ice and chatting with friends.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

韓国の友達 My korean friend


My korean friend, who I met at a language school, visited Kyoto this week. She is very sweet and cute, and we usually see each other about twice a year when I visit her in Korea or she comes to Japan. We went to Gion, then hit a bar in Ponto-cho, and afterward walked along a beautiful riverside in downtown Kyoto. I love hanging out with with her, it's really fun!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

元同期  ex-coworkers

I went out with an ex-coworker who travels between China and
Tokyo for her job. The restaurant we went to is called ICHIFUJI, a small kyoto house near Shijyo-Kareasuma. The food is nice and their service is high class. It is always good to see friends.


Monday, August 17, 2009

五山の送り火 (大文字焼き) Gozan no Okuribi (Daimonji Yaki)

これは、亡くなった方の魂を天にお送りする為におこなわれると伝えられています。 歴史の街京都のとても素敵な夏の行事です。

My 88year old grandmother, my mom and I saw Daimonji yaki together on Sunday.Daimonji yaki is one of the oldest traditions in Kyoto.It is the night time celebratory burning of 6 Japanese characters on 5 different mountains in August 16th. It was originally supposed to light the way for dead people’s spirits into the after life.The daimonji yaki are a beautiful traditional for the historic city of Kyoto.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

デパチカ grocery section in the bottom of department stores

デパチカに行ってきました。 デパチカはデパートの地下にある食料品コーナーのことで、たくさんの 食品やお惣菜が売られています。 買い物の後にデパチカに寄るのが楽しみです☆

I went to the "depachika", which is a grocery section in the bottom of many department stores. There are a variety of foods and snacks, and I always head down there after sgopping to get treat!